Friday, 14 December 2012

Write Here

            I read a couple of the letters in Writers Forum #134 today, talking about where people write; coffee shops and libraries featured heavily.

            At Crimefest earlier this year I attended a number of the panels and the topic of where writers write was a subject that was mentioned several times, sheds were talked about a lot in those discussions.

            All of this got me wondering "where do I write?"  Well I pretty much write anywhere and everywhere.  I have written both in coffee shops and in libraries, and I’ve enjoyed the different situations needed at those different times.  I can see the attraction of both locations.  I’ve never written in a shed, because I don’t have one and when I did have a shed, I was my husband’s province and full of tools, gardening stuff and bikes.  No room for writing.  Also, I feel the cold very easily so I don’t think sheds are for me.

            I’ve been known to write at my desk in the kitchen, my desk at work, lunchtimes only of course, laying in bead, soaking in the bath, sitting on a train, as a passenger in a car.  I’m often inspired while driving, but can’t really stop to write while controlling one ton of potentially lethal self propelled metal, not overly safe that option.

            I have, however, written in the driver’s seat while waiting to collect kids/husband/friends/colleagues, whatever.  Even while in the waiting room at the doctors, more impressively, I’ve even written in the dentists waiting room, but that was more to take my mind of the horror to what was coming.

            My favourite spot though, and where most of my writing is done, is curled up on the sofa in the living room, usually with the TV on for background noise.   But mostly, where I write matters less to met than that I actually get to do some writing.  

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