Friday, 15 March 2013

Time Races

Well time has certainly been racing for me this week. My new job is a bit of information overload but what's really getting to me is the fact that 2 days a week I'm still doing my old job.  Now I have to be honest - I love my old job that’s why I had to think very hard about even taking the new one.

It was agreed that I would do this split so I have to but what's worrying me is that the language being used suggests that the old bosses are expecting this position to go on indefinitely and there is no evidence of finding a replacement despite the fact that I gave them a CV of an ex-colleague I knew was available. Thing is I ended up spending hours on Sunday working when I wanted to be relaxing. As it was Mothers Day it would have been nice to have spent time with my kids only my son is away at Uni and didn't even bother texting me and my daughter was in Paris with her school on a French language holiday.  So just me, the hangover and a hang over hubby oh and the workload.

Have managed to keep up with the resolution to enter at least one competition a month and actually entered two last night. I also managed to find a piece for a flash fiction competition which I'm considering putting in for.  My hubby read it last night, said it was very dark.  Well the judge said he wanted to avoid formula and read something that moved him, well if this story doesn't move him I don't know what will.

Time to get on with other stuff.

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